T-ara are fighting back against MBK’s attempt to trademark the ‘T-ara’ name

After it was revealed MBK Entertainment filed a trademark for the name ‘T-ara’, most thought it would be granted and T-ara would end up separated from their name like ‘BEAST’ and HIGHLIGHT. However, T-ara are trying to make sure that never happens as they have filed documents explaining why the trademark should be refused.

On January 19, an attorney who submitted said documentation two days prior to the Korean Intellectual Property Office as T-ara’s representative explained that MBK Entertainment’s pending application can be rejected under the Trademark Act. The attorney also stated that in the instance that MBK Entertainment’s application is approved and not rejected, they will be filing a formal objection.

In response, MBK basically gave a no comment.

Regarding this new development, MBK Entertainment commented, “[T-ara’s submission of grounds for rejection] is something that will be settled legally within the limits of the law. This is not something we need to express our opinion about and respond to,” and stated they will be waiting for the decision of the Korean Intellectual Property Office.

Since then, there have been reports that they will be disbanding. While I support whatever they want to do at this stage in their lives, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me that they’re going to war with MBK over their brand if they’re going to disband anyway, and the story smells of Kim Kwang Soo.

I wouldn’t say I’m necessarily optimistic, but the fact that T-ara are even bothering to try and keep their brand is a good sign in itself.


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Hey, man.