An introduction to the entertaining world of Amaki Sally, a member of 22/7

About a week ago, somebody told me that I should write about Amaki Sally, a member of the seiyuu idol group 22/7, which was created by AKS‘s Akimoto Yasushi. For whatever reason, I ignored it at the time, but recently I gave her a shot and found that I definitely missed out.

There’s so much stuff already that it’s kind of remarkable, but basically international fans found out she was fluent in English and things took off from there.


A Quality Introduction

On Being Multilingual

On Her Lifestyle

On K-Pop

On Her Fans

On Sexual Orientation

On Politics

On Self-Deprecation

On Management

On Impersonating Herself

A Hair Flicking Tutorial



Honestly, this is really just scratching the surface, but it’s definitely been an entertaining ride so far.

Another plus is how much J-pop stans apparently do not want K-pop stans to find out about her for fear of ruining it or something. Everything about this is great so far.


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Hey, man.