Zion.T denies dissing idols on “Complex” even though that’s exactly what he gloriously did

Zion.T lied out of his ass recently, saying that the lyrics to his song featuring G-Dragon, “Complex,” was not intended to diss idols.

Zion.T explained, “The lyrics aren’t belittling idols. I hope that there’s no misunderstanding. I saw comments, and I think in most cases it was idol fans getting mad. It’s a fact that idols endure years of training to make it through all the industry competition and debut. I respect that. I’m not an idol; our paths are different. There’s no reason for me to put idols down.”



Okay, buddy.

I wish I was an idol,
Someone who’s handsome, who can dance (dance),
You just need to write songs about love,
And if you can’t sing then you can just take it off.
‘Oh yeah oh yeah,
Ah yeah, ah yeah,
I love you (handsome),
Oh yeah, oh yeah.’
That’s all.

That isn’t even a subtle diss towards idols and there’s no damn lie in it either. I dunno why most of the sites covering this cut the lyrics off before he starts the imitation part, which is especially brutal and hilarious.

I understand why he denied it, but this wasn’t even shade, it was a direct attack and it hit hard. Well done, so own it.


Note: Yes, a writer is reviewing his single. Fucking relax.


‘OO’ Album

“Complex” Song


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Hey, man.