NCT’s Doyoung the latest idol to tell fans to wash their ass before going to concerts

In what has become a somewhat regular thing now, NCT member Doyoung spoke out during the Newark stop of NCT 127‘s tour, telling fans to go home and shower. In the background, you can hear Haechan enthusiastically agree with him.

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On one hand, the unwashed asses of fans who camp out and piss/shit while in line must be horrendous, and I feel bad for the other fans who have to deal with that funk. On the other hand, at least idols are speaking up about it? Cause quite honestly, as Yaaaaaas can testify to, it’s always been this way and maybe at least some will use a wet wipe or something now. We can only hope.

This has been a PSA of sorts.

Shitposting … maybe literally?


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Hey, man.