[Update] (G)I-DLE’s Soyeon & Cube at odds over contract status, plus a diss to those who can’t sing or rap

As things kind of coast along in K-pop, (G)I-DLE‘s Soyeon has stepped up to deliver some fresh content for us all, providing speculation about her contract with Cube Entertainment and also allegedly taking shots at other idols in the industry.


Let’s start with the contract stuff, as during their Seoul stop of their world tour, she rapped, “November contract end, who can stop me?” and “Do I have to care about this shit?

Initially I had thought that this was maybe just saying shit to say shit as part of image building as a rapper or something, but Cube actually sounded panicked, saying it was unapproved and acting like they were caught with their pants down.

Cube Entertainment clarified, “The members’ contract renewals are scheduled for next year” and emphasized that “Jeon Soyeon’s lyrics were purely just part of the performance.” They added, “We are addressing this matter because we are concerned that inaccurate reports will be published and the company will suffer damages due to her sudden actions, which were not discussed with us beforehand.”

Soyeon then contradicted their statement in her own message on social media, saying they knew about it and explaining that it made her consider the shortcomings of the company.

“My first thoughts are always to make people happy, and my second is to see what I can do to make our team happier. Sometimes, there might be some challenging moments and some projects that don’t receive a positive response. But I have never intentionally lied or caused harm to anyone or done something without conscience.
So, for this performance, I did not lie or hide it from the company. I performed this in front of the company tons of times during rehearsal, and it is a stage that we made together.
As we have gone through so many things in the past ten years, I don’t have bad feelings towards the company as the media portrays it. Words can mean totally different things, even if one little thing is said wrong.
However, I do think it was an opportunity to feel the company’s lack of response. I will also work hard so that we can grow together. I hope that I was able to take away some of the worry and uncomfortable emotions you may have had.
I will work harder so that you don’t have to worry, Neverland! I’m always sorry, thankful, and I love you!”

Well, that certainly makes the presumably ongoing or upcoming negotiations for (G)I-DLE interesting, especially since they basically only have them as money makers with BTOB gone.


Additionally, she provided more potential mess to ponder on during the same performance of “Is This Bad Bitch Number?“, seemingly taking to task those whose skills aren’t up to par.

“Little kids, just get out of my way,
If you want to dance, then be a dancer, okay?
Tone-deaf clowns, you don’t belong in this game,
If you’re a singer, grab the mic or stay away,
If you’re a rapper, write your bars, then step up to play,
I don’t care, I’ll say it loud, I’m not afraid,
Hey little puppy, act like a dog,
This is our topic, we’re here to be on top,
Here’s my number, call me if you’re feeling lost,
Contract ends in November, who’s got the gall to cross?
Nobody can touch me, I’ve already paid the cost.”

Of course, people are already complaining about this and criticizing other (G)I-DLE members and Soyeon’s skills herself, but that’s kinda why it’s interesting. It’s about as much direct spice as you’re going to get in K-pop between idols, and it sorta feeds into the current trend of idols trying to prove themselves with their talent as backlash has grown (or at least, some have pretended to care) against the perception of lax standards in recent generations.

While I doubt Soyeon and I would agree on who that definition fits*, I also don’t have an issue with it if that’s how she feels. I know fandoms tend to think anything that can hurt feelings is inherently wrong, but opinions on stuff like this is fair game to me, and I know most people agree because they’ve made similar judgments as well.

*Like getting mogged on your own shit by Lee Young Ji.


Either way, it does help make this Olympics break a bit more interesting.




Cube has issued a statement saying that the apparent previous spat was just the take of one rogue employee and that Soyeon was telling the truth about the contract end date and that they knew about the performance ahead of time.

“Some of the reports regarding Soyeon’s performance of her solo song ‘Is this bad b****** number?’ are not true, and we have never given an official statement on the subject.
Therefore, because the opinion of one individual has been spreading as if it’s our agency’s official statement, we apologize for giving cause for concern to the many people who give Soyeon and (G)I-DLE their love and interest, and we are making an official statement regarding our position.
We were aware of the lyrics of [Soyeon’s] ‘Is this bad b****** number?’ performance ahead of time.
Additionally, it’s true that the time frame mentioned is the time when [Soyeon’s] contract will expire, and we are currently in the process of smoothly discussing a [potential] contract renewal.”

That was quick damage control.


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