On social media I often joke about people with delusions of grandeur who desperately want to be fandom cops, basically. They care less about like … enjoying their faves or K-pop or life, and more about yelling at other people all day.
Well, a group of BTS stans decided to try and make being a fandom cop a reality, starting “ARMY Underground“, complete with edgy Anonymous-wannabe graphics and like 10 pages of rules on their site.

Alas, we couldn’t milk this account for laughs for long, as despite the grand ambitions, its existence was deleted after like 24 hours of other BTS stans telling them they suck (credit to them for that, I guess). And I know this wasn’t bait, because the admins behind this were apparently known and were genuine in their intent, which makes it crazier.

Unfortunately, I have missed out on archiving all the content from the site and its socials, so feel free to add if you’ve seen others.
Just amazing content, man.