143 Entertainment responds to CEO sexual assault accusation from MADEIN’s account

Following the shocking news reported on JTBC’s Scandal Supervisor of a rookie girl group member accusing her company’s CEO of sexual assault, 143 Entertainment has released a statement on Twitter directly responding to the story.

We would like to share our official position regarding the issue reported yesterday on JTBC’s Scandal Supervisor.
First and foremost, we wish to clarify that there was no sexual harassment or any other form of sexual contact involving abuse of power between the mentioned member and the company representative. The reported claims are entirely false.
Additionally, the details concerning the hotel incident also involved the member spending time in the company of acquaintances, and not in the manner suggested by the report.
The broadcasted information was based on statements from individuals unrelated to the member, who provided inaccurate accounts. We want to emphasize once again that the issue is baseless and completely unfounded.

As many have pointed out, I’m not sure what hotel incident they’re even referring to, as I don’t recall it being mentioned in any of the reporting. So unfortunately, I think this might be even worse than we already know.


While the company, group, and member’s name had already been circulating prior to the article, I figured it was worth at least trying to keep the victim anonymous. But now that the company has effectively confirmed things and made it public, there’s not much point.

143 was founded by Digital Masta, but the CEO is Park Jun Sang, so I’m not sure who is accused here. Given that they only have one girl group (who are rookies due to redebut) under their label and it’s from their account, the group is MADEIN. And the member is Gaeun, as she was the one who had to take a “health hiatus” on November 11. Prior to that, she had deleted all her Instagram posts, removed MADEIN from her bio, and unfollowed both her company and the CEO.

Fans have also now brought up a previous instance of another MADEIN member talking about the CEO confessing to her, as Miyu brought it up during an interview with iKON’s Song Junhyung.

Miyu: “I hope the CEO will stop confessing to me.”
Junhyung: “Confessing? Hold up. What confession?”
Miyu: “He always tells me, Mi-chan, you know I like you right [daisuki]? It’s great and all, but he does it every day. I hope he reduces it to once a year.”

Nothing more to say, really. Just extremely worrying, especially since they’re attempting to sweep this under the rug and appear to be hoping to ride it out somehow.

Obviously one should support any boycott of all this, as fans are currently trying to organize. Though really, this needs to be investigated further and hopefully he eventually faces some consequences (legal or otherwise).


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Hey, man.