[Review] Yves earns her space on the strangely addicting “Viola”

While many loved Yves‘s much-anticipated solo debut, I felt it was more of an appetite whetter that showed promise and looked forward to where her musical journey might take her next*. Fortunately, she’s found something that at least stands out in K-pop with her follow-up “Viola“.

*That rap feature was disqualifying, I’m sorry! Every time I’ve tried to re-listen it just takes me out of the vibing zone.

This isn’t a song that you’d bet would appeal to me, between the vocal effects and lack of a full-bodied vocal chorus, but the production was fresh and crisp enough that it nearly carried on its own. It’s like hyperpop with a sticky bass and features fizzy synths that seem to bounce everywhere. Additionally, the “I just need some space” hook of the chorus has found itself a space in my brain, and the electro beat is enough to make up for anything the chorus might lack in vocal melody. The production is layered and dreamy in a way that makes it appealing.

Yves herself lends it a personal and credible feel, providing a different kind of empowerment through taking control of her own narrative in a quest for peace. Unlike the K-pop trend of having minors bluster and bluff, Yves earns this instead through some indecision and vulnerability in her narrative. Fighting through those feelings is what grants her power, and her vocal impressively is able to convey this sense of pensive strength.

The obvious comp here is to Charlie XCX, so it does have a somewhat familiar feel, and I still think it feels a bit undercooked at times. Yet, there’s something strangely seamless and replayable about “Viola” that continues to holds an appeal in my brain, and it especially stands out in comparison to its peers in K-pop at this time.


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