[Review] QWER’s ‘Algorithm’s Blossom’ album provides a somber, nostalgic sound that blooms hope

Following their fun pre-release track “FAKE IDOL”, QWER have released their second mini album Algorithm’s Blossom boasting eight tracks with a vast array of creditsfrom band members Lee Siyeon and Magenta, it’s a rather nostalgic and quite somber romp that I wasn’t expecting from them. Jeon Soyeon also lends to being the lyricist/composer for the title track “My Name Is Malguem” which after her cameo on the “FAKE IDOL” MV should come at no surprise, and honestly she delivers not only a great title track but also a deep nostalgic yearning for days past.

“My Name Is Malguem” on first listen was not at all what I was expecting form the title track while the track starts off like you’d expect QWER to explode into a nostalgic vibrant mid 2000’s sound. What then occurs just moments into the track as the lyrics shift to a more somber tone, it soon becomes clear “My Name Is Malguem” is a powerful song about overcoming the pain after letting out your bottled up emotions and taking that first inital step forward.

QWER having Hina on keyboard for this track while Siyeon is on guitar and vocals isn’t something new for them, however it fits the dynamic of the song so well. Almost a minute in and we get to hear Chodan come in with verse that wonderfully breaks up Siyeon’s melodic chorus. The composition here of swapping from members Magenta then Hina as the song begins to fill back into Siyeon’s hopeful vocals tear at your emotions before ending on the songs upbeat melody.

While the title track was not what I was expecting I’m thoroughly pleased with it, on repeat listens it gets a little more addictive each time like a drama intro you just can’t skip no matter what episode you’re on.


Now knowing how the title track shakes things up, I’m really glad they released “Fake Idol” as a prelease, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say “REBOUND” became the song I was looking for this mini album. It has all the hallmarks of that iconic QWER rock sound with hints of nostalgic J-rock guitar tones throughout. Seriously, give it a shot if you’re someone that doesn’t listen to B-sides much!

“Let’s Love” starts off with a really fun groove bassline before shifting into the most pop centric song on the mini, but that bassline humming throughout is the star of the show for me. Siyeon’s vocal’s throughout are a absolute delight as she’s belting the chorus in this fun power pop track. “run! run! run!” my god what a fun song this one is, first another fun bass intro that leads us into the main portion of the song. Magenta and Chodan steal the show with this track and honestly I want a MV and to see them perform this live, from Magenta’s bass to Chodan’s vocals this is the most addictive track on the album for me.

Finally we have the ballad of the album, “Goodbye My Sadness“. Siyeon’s vocals are working overtime on this one, like “Harmony in the Stars”‘ and “Ferris Wheel” on the prior releases Siyeon’s voice conveys such a emotional bereavement. The contrast from their normal powerful rock and pop tracks to their ballads is astonishing, Siyeon’s voice really deliver’s a true emotional journey throughout the track.


As I stated with “FAKE IDOL, QWER have been rapidly since debut whether you see the members practicing their instruments on their respective livestreams, or watching the handcam footage of their go pro’s mounted on their guitars. Their dedication shows on the album, every song from front to back is addictive and most can even argue to be title track worthy. Chodan’s drumming satisfying with those tasty fills and rolls throughout, to Magenta’s significant improvement on bass meanwhile Hina’s guitar and piano work are amazing especially on “REBOUND”. Finally Siyeon both on vocals and guitar brings so much weight and impact on their sound it’s quite astonishing to go from songs like “FAKE IDOL” to “Goodbye My Sadness” in the same album.

‘Algorthm’s Blossom’ is simply incredible from front to back, I was worried after ‘MANITO’ how would they answer with their next release. QWER is showing that they’re a serious group to watched, it been a pure joy to see them develop as a idol group before us. I cannot wait to see them perform these songs live wether that be on a festival stage or on their YouTube channel, make sure you give every song at least one listen you’re bound to find something that’ll resonate with you. For now though, we have this awesome mini album to enjoy while we wait for their next performance.

About Foxhound_Delta