[Review] CRAVITY bring the relentless rock energy on “Love Or Die”

CRAVITY have been around since 2020, but despite regular comebacks, they hadn’t yet released a single that really connected with me. Needless to say then, “Love Or Die” left me pleasantly surprised, as the group takes a refreshing new direction into something more rock focused.

Probably the most successful decision with this comeback was to ride the anthemic rock energy from start to finish, rarely relenting on momentum nor the driving core of the track. This also helped the rapid-fire rap verses to never feel out of place in the song, and while it’s straight-forward in execution, “Love Or Die” ended up carrying an addictive rhythm throughout and is performed well.

That proved important, because on first listen the song didn’t strike me as quite dynamic enough, and I do still believe it deserved another gear in the chorus. However, the more I listened, the more the clearly defined yet sultry delivery of the lyrics sunk in, making things melodic and memorable. The only place “Love Or Die” really slows is the bridge, but that’s only used to provide a vocal peak before launching into a livelier version of the chorus to finish. While everybody has spent a lot of time complaining about shorter and shorter songs, due to the balls-to-the-wall nature of this track, it works pretty effectively despite being less than three minutes.

CRAVITY now certainly have at least one song that’s guaranteed to bang live, and even if the topline of “Love Or Die” doesn’t grow on you like it did me, if nothing else it’s a solid track that’s pleasantly replayable on many occasions. Their popularity at the moment is still trending upward, so they’ll have more chances going forward, and it should be interesting to see whether they continue down this path or not.


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