Actor Nam Joo Hyuk is facing 2 allegations of being a school bully, his agency firmly denies

A bit over a week ago, a netizen came forward to a journalist to say that they were bullied by actor Nam Joo Hyuk for six years in middle and high school, but his company Management SOOP firmly denied this and took legal action against the netizen, the reporter, and the publication.

Now though, a different publication has published an interview with a different accuser who went to high school with NJH and claims to be a victim of school violence at his hands. They decided to come forward after seeing NJH sued the previous accuser.

“A” alleged that amongst bullying them into other errands, Nam Joo Hyuk frequently forced them to turn on their smartphone data hotspot against their will and that he constantly took their smartphone in order to buy paid games and in-game items. “During school, Nam Joo Hyuk had my smartphone more often than I did,” said “A.” “Since my parents were the ones who had to pay [for the games and in-game items] that he bought on my phone, I asked him for the money to pay for them, and he responded, ‘Why do I have to give it to you?’ In the end, he never repaid me.” “A” also claimed that if they turned down Nam Joo Hyuk’s requests or did something that displeased them, the actor and his friends would form a ring around them and then force them to physically fight someone of their choosing. Because “A” did not wish to keep fighting, they allegedly chose to suffer one-sided beatings when they were forced into such a situation.

His agency denied these allegations as well, saying they “checked” and they’re “groundless”. Honestly it’s hard to say anything about this when it’s basically just allegation and denial right now.

The timing of all this coming out almost immediately after (unreliable and unconfirmed) rumors started to come out about him as well is curious, though I’m not sure if or how they’re related.


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Hey, man.