Actress Heo Yi Jae opens up about an incident involving an actor that led to her sudden retirement

Former actress Heo Yi Jae made a guest appearance recently on WayLand, the YouTube channel of former Crayon Pop member Way. In the video, Heo sat down and talked to Way about her random experiences as an actress. Well that was the vibe initially, but she eventually talked at length about her experience with an active married actor who during one of their dramas together harassed and propositioned her, leading her to suddenly retire from the industry.

(From 9:38 On With English Subs)

The unnamed actor was her romantic partner in a drama, but after she inadvertently rejected his advances, he would call her a ‘fucking bitch’ on set all the time.

After one of the actor’s outbursts following that, the director questioned her on why she thinks the actor’s attitude changed towards her, and he explained that he’s attracted to her but she denies his advances, so he was trying to coerce her. When she went to the actor’s room, he explained that people are saying they don’t seem like a couple and that they need to sleep together to act better. After she says she didn’t want to, he basically raged out like baby having a temper tantrum.

Eventually that caused her to think what he was doing was normal and she was the abnormal one. Understandably, that experience led her to believe the industry wasn’t for her.

People are already speculating about the actor, and I didn’t think it was all that hard to figure out, so here’s the dramas she’s done in her career.


Less core to the video was more ugliness about the industry. Way also talks about an actress who loudly complained about her not getting a food truck. Heo talks about not liking the culture of having to suck up to everybody, once having a scene cutting her hair out of spite for her, and a senior hitting her with a big ring on that she refused to remove. Netizens are alleging that they have found that scene.

She did mention that a senior who treated her well was Kim Hae Sook, who you probably recognize from being in every other drama.


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