4Minute fans rejoice! Not only is Jenyer back with a new track but she is joined by her former bandmember, Gayoon! While this is “SOOP”-er cool to see, unfortunately, the song is…well, refer to headline.
Sorry, can’t help myself!
The song starts the way it ends, really. While there is a decent progressive excitement that unravels throughout the piece, it’s also nothing new at all. It’s very predictable. Usually, I am okay with predictability in popular music, but there just isn’t a lot going on here, period. At the very least, in these contexts is when the melody should shine and take over. Unfortunately, I feel that this single falls very short in that respect.
There are moments where this song excels, particularly when both Jenyer and Gayoon sing together in the final chorus. I think more ‘organic’ sounds throughout the song would have elevated the backing track, rather than only just throwing in a string orchestra for the final minute.
While I think this single was a swing and a miss, I’m curious to see where Jenyer takes her music from this point on. What do you all think? Let me know!