Brave Girls do “Rollin'” on Dingo Music, “We Ride” rising, and have better plan than Brave Brothers + #MinyoungBald

Brave Girls’ momentum continues to surge forward, especially now that they’re hitting some of the most popular shows, and they’ve gone from just having a Perfect All-Kill to having over 100 of them.

They also did a Sero Live for Dingo Music, which I can’t tell if I’m imagining it or not, but I haven’t been seeing a lot of them of late. Either way, it was always one of my favorite promo stops, so it’s great to hear.

While they had previously done a dance thing for Esquire Korea, they also did an interview.

Along with “Rollin'”, one of the songs that ended up rising in conjunction was their latest release, a city pop number called “We Ride”. Fortunate timing in a way with the direction trends have gone, and now they’re performing it on ‘Yoo Hee Yeol’s Sketchbook’.

While I wasn’t as big of a fan of Brave Girls’ early discography, I did endorse “Rollin'” at the time, and “We Ride” is certainly a nice, pleasant option for a follow-up. It’s different, but perhaps that’s not the worst thing.

Most importantly, Brave Girls themselves are at least getting something from Brave Brothers in the form of him fulfilling his years old promise to get them Chanel bags for a #1.

Previously, Brave Brothers had promised to buy them Chanel bags if they win first place. Concerning that, the members explained, “We didn’t receive them yet, but he said he ordered them online.” Then they joked, “It’s a good thing we remembered.”

Look man, while we’re speaking of fulfilling old promises, that means it’s time for #MinyoungBald.

“Oh don’t be so cruel, this is there moment in the sun, don’t make it traumatic.”


Then at the very least we deserve one broadcast performance with a bald cap, eye patch, and military fatigues, looking like a rejected ‘Metal Gear Solid’ baddie or something.

Also, it’s kinda hilarious how they seem to have a better career path mapped out for themselves than Brave Brothers ever did.

Brave Girls is especially busy nowadays, and they talked about how their lives changed after the resurgence of “Rollin.’” They shared, “It’s the first time we’ve had a packed schedule since our debut. These days, we sleep about one to two hours a day. Last year, we weren’t able to do our activities properly. We would like to do them if we get the chance. We want to become ‘summer queens,’ so we’re pushing our CEO for a new song.”

Yes, we need summer queens back. Sorely lacking recently and I’m all for it.


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