Dreamcatcher performance compilation for “Odd Eye” + showcase & concert

Dreamcatcher have surprisingly ended “Odd Eye” promotions after just two weeks, which means I’m about exactly a week late with this compilation of their debut “Odd Eye” performances on various music shows. Despite this, it’s worth posting just because their styling this comeback cycle are great and so is the performance quality.

Additionally, there’s the official upload of the showcase and also a concert that they put on. They are busy as hell, man.



M Countdown

Music Bank

Music Core


The Show

Show Champion

Simply K-Pop

Weekly Idol

Apart from that, there was also the entire showcase that was officially uploaded and then also a whole concert sponsored by a webtoon company that French people on Twitter yelled at me for joking about it being exclusive and private.

“Odd Eye” Showcase


Also “4 Memory”, partially for fans but also to signal to Korean audiences, “Hey, we can do everything, even the boring genres you guys prefer!”


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Hey, man.