After it was revealed that Elkie was filing for contract termination from Cube Entertainment and was thus leaving CLC, she recently posted on Instagram her thoughts. She start by thanking fans for what they’ve done, but then went on to say she felt held back and unsuccessful while wanting to do more in the future.
To my dearest Cheshire,
I have some true words from deep and I would really appreciate if you take time to read it over ~
It’s been almost 6 years. Started from audition, debut and finally got the chance to meet you all and become close to each other, Until now, our love is very powerful and very previous. All the time, every event, every performance, every album… you have inspired and encouraged me a lot. It gives me the strength to keep going.
Not only that, but occasionally when I feel down, your warm messages, comments, and letters have got me through those tough time. There’s one time I felt down and I travelled to a foreign country on my own. On my way back I wrote a very emotional message. And when I read through all the messages and comments, I could hardly hold back my tears at the boarding gate. I was so touched. There are many more this kind of moments that I will NEVER forget.
From all the moments we had together, you probably know my personality. I have always hope to bring happiness, to show you all aspects, and I also hope you can gain strength from it.
However, it’s sad that many times I couldn’t do what I wanted to do. I have encountered many obstacles along the way but it is what it is. Sadly I couldn’t show you more and give you all I have. This made me feel so bad… and when I think of you who have been always supporting me makes me feel even more disappointed and depressed.
As of now, I feel that I haven’t been a successful artiste, at least I am not very satisfied with what I have done for you. That’s why I realized that I can’t let it be anymore, I want to do more for my loved ones, and I would like to show you all I have.
In the last 5 years, I had lots of previous moments and great experiences. I’m looking forward to putting some of this learning into practice. Do what I want to do, do what I can do, and accomplish a longer journey. I would like to invite you to join me in this journey and I hope we can both gain strength from it.
Thank you for always being there for me and hope I can keep your smile on. I will keep working hard as always and I have never forgotten my intention. I am grateful for you support, let’s keep going together in the future.
I am so optimistic about the adventures to come! With you, I have nothing to fear for. Because you are the reason of my happiness ♥
Especially thanks to my members who are just like my family! Thank you for your love and support .Remember our promise, even when we become older, we will still gather together to sing and dance. I’m looking forward to hearing good news from all of you! Love you so much! ♥
Honestly not sure what path she goes down in the future, because as I said before there doesn’t appear to be something she’s necessarily leaving for, and in that sense it should be interesting. Regardless, it’s hard to blame her as it seems like she’s seen the same writing on the wall regarding what Cube is going to prioritize going forward, and it’s not going to be CLC.