WeGirls’ official Instagram following member changes: “no liar, no hypocrites, no alchol”

We Girls debuted in late 2018 but has already faced massive lineup changes, and it was recently revealed in July that members Ellie and Nina would depart with new members coming in, leaving them currently as a three-member group.

So no big deal there, as nugu girl group going through turmoil is rather typical. What caught my eye is Afternoon Entertainment essentially shading the recently departed members with an update to their official Instagram, citing rules for the incoming generation.

It’s not everyday that a company themselves gives you a walking meme in “no liar, no hypocrites, no alchol”. And really, the misspelling of alcohol is what completes it.

Ellie in particular has been on social media not being much of a fan of her time as an idol.

Finally, what K-pop has been missing recently: drama, mess, pettiness without really serious implications to it. Thank you to everybody involved.


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