Eminem producer confirms “Glassy Sky” used on “Good Guy”, releases beat sampling “Simple And Clean”

I recently noted that Illa Da Producer, who worked on Eminem‘s ‘Kamikaze‘, told Rolling Stone that for “Good Guy” he sampled ‘Kingdom Hearts‘, likely “Simple And Clean” by Utada Hikaru. However, a bit of digging found that didn’t matchup all that well with the credits for the song, and it seemed to actually come from “Glassy Sky” by Donna Burke from ‘Tokyo Ghoul‘.

Well, I was hardly the only one to notice this, and one person asked Illa Da Producer on Twitter and got a direct answer. He got the sample for “Good Guy” mixed up in the Rolling Stone interview because he did sample “Simple And Clean” for a different beat, but the one he used on “Good Guy” was indeed “Glassy Sky”.

Thankfully, Illa Da Producer was cool enough to release “Kingdom“, the beat that samples “Simple And Clean”.

Honestly, I prefer the “Glassy Sky” beat, so I can see why that was used instead.


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Hey, man.