Jinyoung & Baro leave WM Entertainment, B1A4’s future seems bleak

The contracts of B1A4 were set to expire on June 30, and it was revealed that Jinyoung and Baro will leave WM Entertainment, while CNU, Gongchan, and Sandeul will re-sign.

On June 30, WM Entertainment announced the news of Jinyoung’s and Baro’s departure from the agency, stating, “We respect Jinyoung’s and Baro’s choices to walk their own paths in order to pursue their dreams. Regarding their decisions to start anew on their own, we also sincerely support their new beginnings.” In regards to the group’s future, WM Entertainment explained, “We will focus our energy on restructuring B1A4. We will thoroughly discuss the direction of future activities with the members and make a decision. Moving forward, we will wholeheartedly give all of our support and do our best for CNU’s, Sandeul’s, and Gongchan’s advancement. We will do even better for all the fans who love and support B1A4 unconditionally as well.” The agency concluded, “We want to sincerely apologize to the fans for worrying you all. We ask that you continue to warmly love them as always and give your blessings to these B1A4 members who are standing in front of a new starting line.”

I know the agency gave the standard response of the group is still together, and I suppose the others didn’t re-sign for no reason, but it’s hard to see how they advance being anywhere close to the same without Jinyoung, who wrote all their singles since 2012.


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Hey, man.