Boy group 24K were blacklisted by Park Geun Hye’s regime, which is now great PR

Park Geun Hye‘s blacklist of artists has been covered before, but it didn’t seem like any idol groups were involved. Well today it was revealed that current members Cory and Kisu, as well as former members Seokjun, Byungho, and Daeil, of the boy group 24K were on the blacklist, as well as their manager Kwon Byung Geun.

They were put there due to supporting Park Geun Hye political opponent and current president Moon Jae In dating back to their close election in 2012. 24K sang the theme song for Moon Jae In’s campaign and appeared in a video singing it with other artists.

As a result, the agency says they had trouble appearing on certain broadcasts or shows.

Being outed as being censored by Park Geun Hye because you and your manager supported Moon Jae In all the way back to 2012 has to be the greatest PR coincidence they could’ve dreamed of given how things have turned out.


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