[Review] Class Mate’s eminently listenable “Feel Good” is a funky, addictive treat

If you’ve never heard of Class Mate, that’s okay, because neither had I until I watched this music video. Fortunately, their first impression on me has been a positive one, as “Feel Good” is a funky, addictive treat.

The energy, atmosphere, and harmonizations on “Feel Good” all stand out as highlights, but the whole effort is keyed by the chorus. While the verses keep things pumping along and are fun in their own right, the chorus has multiple refrains that are addictive and memorable. At certain points, the melody reminded me of both Daft Punk‘s “Get Lucky and Yamashita Tatsuro‘s “Ride On Time, both of which I’m a fan of, so all it took was a single listen to suck me in.

Others value originality over everything else, and while I do appreciate those who push the limits, execution generally takes center stage for me. So while “Feel Good” is inherently derivative, Class Mate have done exactly what they set out to do, and as a result I’m rewarded with a song that is eminently listenable with replay value out the ass.


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