Sunmi recently started her own Twitter account, which was something she confirmed on Instagram as legit.
안녕 오랜만이야💕 hello there, it’s ME! @miyaohyeah
— Miyayeah (@miyaohyeah) April 3, 2018
재밌는 게 많이 생겼구나아. 10년만에 하는 듯. 어떡하나아아아아아아 또르르 하. Do you mind if I say hello to daisy duck first? Cuz it’s been so long…… many thing has changed. OMG
— Miyayeah (@miyaohyeah) April 3, 2018
Sunmi’s language skills shouldn’t surprise at this point, but I’m still kind of amazed whenever she drops English on all of us. Depending on how she uses it, things could get fun.