네 믹스나인 very good 싸이코 pass팀 지뢰입니다. 팀명으로 싸이코패스를 추천 한 사람, 그걸 좋다고 한 멤버들 그리고 만니라는 분 무음 처리 돼서 무슨 말인지는 모르겠지만 제스처를 보니 죽여버리겠다? 이런 뜻 같네요 진짜 뭘 부숴버리긴 뭘 부수는지.. 진짜 좀 창피한 걸 아세요 pic.twitter.com/YyiEKFRd4C
— 이시방이다 불만있냐? (@EMFLA_ZOCU) November 26, 2017
On the most recent episode of ‘MIXNINE‘, the contestants participated in position battles between the sexes. During the build to the dance battle, the male team decided to pop off, with one member claiming that the female team would get crushed, another showing off, and then another saying that the female team are all dead.
But they didn’t even stop there, as one member went on to talk more shit.
JiU‘s reaction basically summed it up for me.
— LOCK (@D_lock_0) November 26, 2017
And then what happened?