TWICE’s “One More Time” stands out mainly for the hilariously terrible lipsynching

TWICE recently dropped their first Japanese single in “One More Time“, and I’m expecting them to continue to lead a mini-comeback of the Hallyu Wave in Japan. However, the release itself didn’t provide much to get excited about.

Honestly, the thing that stood out the most to be about “One More Time” was how poorly the lipsynching was timed to the audio at times, as that was a lot of fun to keep track of throughout. Many likely cringe at the distorted vocals sections, but paired with the very J-pop sound and visuals, it momentarily gave me pleasant memories of Perfume.

Of course, all that is mostly what I noted because “One More Time” is a rather safe and light pop track that’s perfectly tailored to the market it’s releasing in but doesn’t do a whole lot that’s interesting. I appreciate that it doesn’t try too hard to be a hook song, but then again, without it there wasn’t much else there musically to keep my attention.


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