EXO return with fun MV for “Power”, but also bring a generic & repetitive song

EXO are back with a cinematic and fun music video for “Power“, but a song that fails to do much at all.

So the music video is cinematic and also cheesy as hell, which in itself is not a bad thing since it’s fun, but this does feel like a concept that was meant for NCT Dream more than EXO. Still, K-pop music videos being a bit cringe doesn’t matter, as that’s basically standard fare half the time. What was a disappointment, however, was how musically uninteresting “Power” was.

“Power” seemed tailor made for the cinematic music video, prioritizing that all-encompassing experience more than making an actual quality aural experience. For most of the song it’s basically just there repeating itself, meant to blend in to the background of a television or film montage, keeping the pace decently enough and not doing anything bad, but also not doing anything interesting either.

The rap and bridge feel perfunctory before they segue right back into the generic beat of “Power”, and it just never feels like it’s supposed to be a single from a premier K-pop power. Rather, it’s like something you’d find while Googling ‘mediocre EDM’ so you can put it over a ‘Naby Keita – Welcome To Liverpool – Best Skills’ highlight video where the action in the video is the star and not the music.

Of course, it doesn’t matter what I think, because EXO’s massive fandom will get them to top the digital charts and help them sell a bazillion physical albums anyway. However, that doesn’t make “Power” any less bland and repetitive, and it’s a bit disappointing that I haven’t really been able to ground with any of their singles since Monster.



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