WINNER continue to develop their sound with disco-infused “Love Me Love Me”

WINNER weren’t done with the gem of a summer track in “Island, as they also released “Love Me Love Me” as their other title track.

While some compared this to “Really Really“, it seemed like that was just a lazy comparison as it doesn’t sound all that similar. Instead, the disco elements are more prominent on this, which helps differentiate it and a lot of the instrumental work reminds me more of something from Daft Punk‘s “Get Lucky” or “Lose Yourself To Dance” than anything else.

In that, uh, ‘future-disco’ sound they have a fan in me, and from there it’s a matter of execution. While the build and verses are somewhat subdued and laid back, the chorus implements a hook that is immediately catchy and effective. I did think they could’ve got more creative with the transitions into the chorus and give it a stronger finish line experience, however.

Still, it’s such a replayable track, and it captures the atmosphere of something you’d like to dance to at the end of the day. This type of sound was already among my favorites, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that trending or not, I end up enjoying these types of efforts. It can’t be just anything from the genre, however, as it has to have the production and execution to back it, but releases like “Love Me Love Me” definitely show an aptitude for it.

WINNER truly feel as if they’ve found not only what they excel with but also feel comfortable with. If it’s something that they can grow into, all the better, and it should be interesting to hear where they take this from here. While I think “Love Me Love Me” could’ve been a bit more assertive in sections, they’ve managed to utilize the disco elements well, and the result is something absurdly nice to listen to.



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