VIXX’s Ken writes “you fucking bastard” in anniversary vid, now has a new fan

Yesterday, VIXX uploaded a teaser video for the group’s fifth anniversary. However, it was soon taken down for unknown reasons, or at least they were unknown until people figured it was because Ken wrote swear words in his sketchbook in the video.

Somebody apparently hit Ken, so he wrote “you fucking bastard” and “why are you hitting me, fucking bitch” on his sketchbook for that member to read while keeping it away from the cameras. Or at least it was away from the cameras until he flipped the sketchbook and people went all netizen detective on him.

Somehow this got people mad as fuck at him and Jellyfish Entertainment released an apology. And while some VIXX fans have taken their time to note charity work and shit Ken has done, and while that’s great and all, the thing I got out of this is that we could be friends and he’s more relatable now.

Note: I just realized this is the dude who did the ramen and chill and kissing guide videos with Kyungri as well. My man.

Ken’s true personality has indeed come out, and it’s of a normal dude fucking around with his friends who also maybe wants to get his fuck on with Kyungri. Besides, even if he got a bit pissy, who wouldn’t be when his company is shipping him around like a literal inanimate object?


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Hey, man.