Junsu’s brother apologizes to hotel employees for late payment before deleting statement

Kim Moo Young, who is Junsu‘s brother, posted a statement about the Toscana Hotel controversy via three posts on Instagram. However, perhaps after being encouraged to, he seemed to have had second thoughts and quickly deleted them. Fortunately, fans translated two of them before they got the axe, and they were quite revealing as he defended Junsu but was apologetic to hotel employees and regretful about what happened.

As a temporary representative of the hotel and as a representative of the family, I would like to greet the Toscana employees…I sincerely thank and apologize to those who helped us and believed in us. My father is heading to the hotel as soon as possible in order to speak to the staff once more, and and we will do our best to reach a consensus and minimize the damage [that has been done]. It’s unfortunate and I’m sorry that the article came out before we [ourselves] could let you know and ask for your understanding. Again, I apologize and thank those who put up with all the unfortunate things that has happened.

It wasn’t until recently that Junsu heard about the delayed wages. Junsu felt angry and sorry for the employees and expressed his wishes to find a stable way to allow Toscana as continuing as we were would only make the employees suffer further. Though it’s unfortunate, we decided to sell [the hotel] and indirectly manage it through equity ownership. During the sale, we requested the buyer to take care of the employees and, as I wasn’t in the position to do be able to do anything as of last year, my father requested for it to be handled well. He went to Jeju and to explain the situation to the staff, and it was while he was trying to come up with solutions to problem when the article came out. Regardless of the situation, the reporter did not confirm anything with us and people blamed Junsu got hurt because they believed the article. Once again, my brother got hurt because of a biased report. It’s horrible to embarass someone like that…During that time, I wa careful of my private affairs and refrained from posting about my brother as to avoid inflicting damage on him…but now I’m so hurt and can’t keep my mouth shut.. I’m writing this in the hopes that it will make even a little difference…I’m fine if you curse me. It doesn’t matter. I’m not that important of a person anyway…but please don’t insult our Junsu…he tried so hard to take care of this situation without anyone getting hurt. I’m sorry I couldn’t help my brother properly…I beg you to stop…I have no power but I am here making this request…let Junsu enlist with a smile on his face..please.

I’m guessing he deleted it because he admits to the employees getting delayed wages, which was reportedly denied by both Toscana and C-JeS Entertainment, and was sorta dodged by Junsu. Given the documentation that came with the report, the lack of incentive for employees to lie about this, and that this is an admission by somebody who would know about the wages situation, I don’t see why this aspect of the controversy would be doubted at this point.

Given that, while I do believe the media/netizen reaction is over-the-top towards Junsu, and I understand why he would need to defend himself against the people calling him a crook and scam artist and things of that nature, in the end he’s not the one to feel sorry for. Like it’s great that he allegedly sold his possessions to pay his employees and that he took immediate action, but really that’s the least he could do at that point. Selling one’s luxury cars isn’t a big deal when many others are just trying to make rent, after all.

So there’s no reason to go around shitting on Junsu like he’s a terrible person considering he probably didn’t even know this was going on, and the most he appears to be guilty of is incompetence. However, I’m just pointing out that he’s not the victim here, the employees are.

Now I’m curious to see how C-JeS, Toscana, and Junsu respond after Junsu’s brother apologized to the hotel employees while copping to the late wages issue.


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Hey, man.