Super Junior fans in Korea posted a petition for Kangin to be removed from the group a couple days ago, basically saying that he was damaging Super Junior’s brand and going on to recount his numerous mistakes in the past. Given that Kangin has been a part of drunk driving hit-and-runs twice now, removing him from the group seems fair enough since the dude should probably be in jail anyway.
Well, international Super Junior fans apparently didn’t think so. As they created a counter petition telling Kangin to stay in the group and that he has support of about 25,000 fans and counting internationally.
Thus, ELF from all over the world have decided to write a counter petition responding to the one that was originally written and signed by some Korean fans requesting Kangin’s removal from the band.
Oh no.
Please note that this petition is written to shield kangin from the hatred he has received from the public. As a fandom we support and love all the members of Super Junior equally; therefore, we cannot just stand still while the members are being unfairly banished by the media or attacked by the internet users.
They’re not excusing what he did, but why is he being banned from the media and being attacked for being an asshole, you guys?! WHY?!
Kangin is not an Angel, Kangin is a Man and Man was meant to err in order to learn, we also know that he has already made the same mistake before. But how can you expect a person to move on if he is constantly reminded and humiliated by MCs in variety shows in front of millions of viewers? Stop preying on other people’s mistakes, concentrate on being better human beings.
Yo, we all just got called on to be better human beings by the people excusing a repeat hit-and-run DUI offender by saying that the trauma of him getting shit for being a hit-and-run DUI offender caused him to do it again.
What kind of flawless logic? No comeback for that. I submit.
So consider this as a warning to all the haters out there, all the verbal abuse, the cursing and the hate comments you have bombarded him with are an act of crime.
So scary, man.