Beenzino has an interesting “Life In Color” with a MV that T.O.P can fap to

Beenzino‘s “Life In Color” is an interesting track from the get-go because it’s a unique combination of electronic music (drum and bass?) and hip-hop that I’ve rarely heard out of Korea if at all. That combined with Beenzino’s smooth flow and style switches made for a quality effort even though it wasn’t bombastic.

Even putting the song aside, the music video was especially on point aesthetically, and utilizing interesting concepts and images has been something Beenzino has been intelligently open to using over the course of his career.










I’m sure art nerds are having a seizure over this for one reason or another, but just taking into account the surface-level visual appeal and the obvious artistic callbacks, even a relative art philistine such as myself can appreciate it. That’s when these types of concepts work well, because they’re accessible for the mainstream but also give others more layers to unpack.

I mean, come on, with all the chair closeups, T.O.P jacked off to this music video guaranteed.

True art.


Beenzino has always been more style than substance as a rapper, but it’s been hard to complain about him much. Would he be a star if not for his education background (nothing more hep-hap than that) and looks? Probably not, but crafting an image is part of the deal, and I think at least on his singles he’s always done an admirable job of paving over any flaws by highlighting what he’s good at. That impressive type of brand management comes through crystal clear on quality efforts like “Life In Color”.


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Hey, man.