Oh My Girl’s “Windy Day” brings a lot to the table but doesn’t blow me away


Oh My Girl are back with their repackage for “Windy Day“, following up on the successful but relatively annoying “Liar Liar.

Surprisingly, there’s a whole lot going on in this song. It starts off as some kind of late-stage A Pink garbage, then transitions into a more upbeat present-day G-Friend, before having a quasi-Red Velvet feel just before the hook kicks off. The chorus itself doesn’t have much of a melody, for better or worse, and is just a repeating of the song’s title. Yet it’s still completely saved by a truly unique instrumental in K-pop that I can only describe as being Arabian in influence.

All that said, I think this might end up being my least favorite single from Oh My Girl. I love the diversity of the sounds and the instrumental during the hook, but I don’t think all the elements were cohesively weaved together, and there wasn’t a single vocal part where I feel like I would want to listen to over and over again. It was definitely an interesting and surprising release, but that doesn’t necessarily make it a fun listen.


The music video for “Windy Day” is, as we’ve come to expect from Oh My Girl, aesthetic as hell and pleasant to look at. There wasn’t any kind of deep meaning that I could figure, but the trend in K-pop of outdoor shots and environments done well is one I am definitely appreciating.




The Sound Of Music‘ realness is all there.


They even included their reactions to seeing me.




From what I’ve gathered, my take on Oh My Girl’s track is the minority one. While I understand why everybody is praising it for the uniqueness and for the riff during the hook, the more I listened to “Windy Day”, the more I tired of it. So despite the originality in the song and the quality music video, I couldn’t deny my feeling that the further I got away from the initial surprise of the track, the less I cared about listening to it again.


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