Chancellor and Paloalto teamed up for a release under the Brand New Music banner, and the duo made a perfect match on “Rodeo“.
This is how to properly combine hip-hop and R&B without making it a boring mess. It’s not an upbeat track, but it has an simple, engaging instrumental and a feel that’s just so easy to groove along to.
Paloalto absolutely destroys in this and it ends up sounding more like his song than anything else, but that’s certainly not a bad thing. Chancellor’s verses are seductive, while the falsetto hook is exceedingly smooth before Paloalto interjects to provide a nice contrast with his rap ending to the chorus.
The music video is just a behind-the-scenes of recording, but I still enjoyed watching it unfold, as it really did feel more like I was watching a live performance.
It’s rare that I get enamored with a standard R&B-styled hip-hop track like this, but I couldn’t help but continuing to hit replay on “Rodeo”.