Sulli keeps getting modelling jobs and her critics are only helping

In between Instagram posts and ironing Choiza’s shirts, Sulli has been keeping herself busy collecting money from modelling gigs left and right. While many concern trolls wonder why this young woman is fucking up her career by having a personality on social media, the reality of the situation likely shows just the opposite playing out.

The thing is, while Sulli is still under SM Entertainment (meaning she gets a major advantage in name only to get this type of job), she’s also gaining plenty of popularity on Instagram. For better or worse, in today’s society that matters quite a bit, and it’s all thanks to her creating buzz by doing not much of anything controversial at all.

Brands focus a lot on social media following when it comes to choosing models, in some cases in detriment of other skills like, say, walking.

So unless Sulli starts posting pictures doing cocaine or feeding people rice cakes against their will, this “controversy” that surrounds her likely doesn’t do much harm at all.

What’s important, really, is that Sulli looks amazing in all these pictures, and she’s doing that job just fine.

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