Shannon took to her Instagram this morning and apologized for her V app broadcast, where she said some dumb shit.
Hey guys woke up to a storm today and wanted to clear things up. I have only found out by reading your comments from you guys other than reading articles because i wanted to know how you guys felt which is very important to me. I didn’t intend to seem homophobic and racist which i am NOT. I think the thing with the N word is a misunderstanding i was singing along to Beyonce’s Formation and there is a Lyric that did include “Negro” and i did sing along to it. I sincerely apologise to the people who got offended. I am not homophobic i was joking around like i usually do but i guess as a “public figure” i would need to think and speak more carefully. To just clear things with Dani and J and Dk And Vernon we are all good friends there was no hate thrown at another at all just sarcasm so no ones feelings were hurt. Especially knowing dani since i was 12 we are the closest anyone can ever be she knows me down to the core. I am not going to use my age as an excuse because i am and should be old enough to know what to say and what not to say especially publicly. Especially with the special needs joke was immature whether it be a joke or not. I really wanted to just be more open and myself and not be as shy and quiet as how my image was portrayed. I apologise to anyone who were offended and upset with my V app i wanted it to be a fun and casual time with me to you but it went in the exact opposite of what I intended it to be. I hope you find it in your hearts to forgive me – Shannon
Personally, this was about what I expected. Not exactly a stretch to believe she got excited for her V app, tried a little too hard to seem cool or be funny to her international fans, and ended up acting a bit dumb. Yeah, it has the typical “sorry if you’re offended” line and sorta skirts around exactly why people got upset, but this apology is a ton more than we’d probably ever get from others in K-pop who do more fucked up shit than this. So … eh.
I wrote about the controversy concerning her V app yesterday because I found it odd there were people saying that what she said WASN’T ill-advised, and I felt like that was fucking delusional. But I was also puzzled by people who were incensed by her actions to the point where they were harassing her and sending her death threats and stuff like that, especially fans of SEVENTEEN who were upset that she “disrespected” certain members or whatever (it was a complete non-issue). Like there’s a middle ground where you can be unhappy with her but also not be an even bigger piece of shit just because you’re upset.
More people should try to find that middle ground of being reasonable, cause this mess was a bad look for both sides.