MAMAMOO drop disses on themselves in Dr. Dre-esque “Pride Of 1 CM”


As a legitimate musical effort, MAMAMOO‘s “Pride Of 1 CM” is sort of all over the place, but when taken as a pre-release self-diss comical track, this works out quite great.

None of them are really rappers, including Moonbyul, so of course a song with them primarily rapping is not gonna end up sounding awesome. But putting the obvious aside, I need to know why an idol vocal group can drop a Dr. Dre-esque beat that goes harder than most of the emo rap that’s coming from the non-yolosweg Korean hip-hop scene? Fucking hell.

Anyway, the whole point of the song is that all the members of the group are about the same height, and they spend the song dissing each other over their minute differences in height. The breakdown out of nowhere towards the end of the song is them yelling “I’m taller than you” over and over. So in that context, along with the meta commentary about how obsessing over heights is inherently worthless, it was an entertaining release that came with the bonus of a hook that gets dangerously addicting.

Furthermore, the release confused the fuck out of some international netizens and some of their international fandom, at least temporarily, as they thought this shit was MAMAMOO’s comeback track. The flood of “Unnies, no! Omo, this is so bad! Ottoke?!” was priceless, so much love to MAMAMOO yet again.


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Hey, man.