Around The Web: Year-End Lists, Dean Interviews, Venice In Japan


KPOPALYPSE: The 30 best K-pop songs of 2015, according to some fucking Australian idiot. Gonna pretend he put Crayon Pop‘s “FM” #1 and not the iljin A Pink imitators.

KPOPALYPSE: The 30 worst K-pop songs of 2015, according to some fucking Australian genius, because I agree with basically all of it.

KPOPALYPSE: Honorable and dishonorable mentions for 2015 K-pop songs, according to some Aussie dipshit.

KPOPALYPSE: More 2015 K-pop song thoughts from an Aussie.

Yellow Slug Reviews: Ah finally, a glorious American gives out his year-end K-pop awards.


The Korea Times: An interview with DEAN

HIP HOP KR: …and another interview with DEAN.


RocketNews24: The Venice of Japan is in Kyoto, apparently.


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