Statements recently made on Utada Hikaru‘s official site and by her father dismissed rumors that emerged which pegged a Hikki comeback for Spring of 2016.
Her father, Utada Teruzane, took to Twitter yesterday to dismiss these rumors. He said that she is still continuing with her hiatus, but that she is currently working on music. Today, a statement was released on Utada’s official site by a label representative. It too denied the rumors. This statement also confirmed that she is working on new material, but that the production is not yet at a level where a release date can be announced. The statement finished by saying that when Utada does return, that it will be announced through her official site, as opposed to the media being the primary source.
“Hi, the media doesn’t know shit. When I’m coming back I’ll bless you all myself personally. Kthxbye.”
Everything we want to be true out of the Japanese rumor mill ends up being full of shit, and everything nobody cares about ends up being true. Life is pain.