SEVENTEEN fansite admin throws shit at Joshua, is an entitled asshole

The actions of a fansite admin for SEVENTEEN have been going viral after video of the incident was posted to the Internet. In the video, the admin is seen at a fansigning event throwing shit on the table in front of member Joshua and acting demonstrably agitated.

What had happened was that Joshua was her bias and she flipped out because she thought he was frowning at her or wasn’t being happy enough for her. That in itself is a dumb as fuck reason to throw a temper tantrum, but it turned out even worse because Joshua wasn’t displeased with her or anything of the sort, he just had a sty on his eye.


Motherfucker looks like he caught a right hook from Mike Tyson and she’s whining that he doesn’t look 100%.

Regardless, of course OF COURSE this reality didn’t stop the admin from going online and ranting about the situation.




What the fuck. Is this Jinnabit or something?

Eventually though, presumably after backlash, she apologized.


“I am sorry for what I have done today. I am sometimes unable to control my emotions but I feel truly sorry and regretful for my actions today. I have hurt Joshua and many of his fans today. I am sorry for worrying everyone and will take full responsibility for my actions. But please do not exaggerate what happened. I did not lay a hand on Joshua I had cried before going on stage and unable to control my emotions I just lay the objects down hard on to the table. I did nothing else. Lastly I hope everyone continues to give more love to Joshua.”


After all this she closed down her fanpage and said she’s not a fan anymore. And for that, SEVENTEEN and Joshua must be thanking the heavens.


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Hey, man.