‘A Style for You’ isn’t the show I wanted, but the show I needed


In case you haven’t heard, ‘A Style for You‘ is a new show that aims at educating its hosts on fashion, with the goal of improving their personal styles. Honestly, this could be a show about ant farming and Hani, Hara, Bora, and Heechul would still make it entertaining.

I give kudos to KBS for such a cast pick, because I don’t think I can choose four people with more different styles out of the top of my head: rap qween Bora is a mess that hides it by wearing black all the time, Hani has the aesthetic sensitivity of a child, Hara is chic as hell, and Heechul is a douchebag.

This is the show I needed, not the show I wanted, because there isn’t as much actual information as there is general fuckery that comes out of four idols competing for the audience’s approval.

Fuckery like Hani “Hanicrying” over not getting the pants she wanted…

AStyleForYou (2)

…Heechul going full Godzilla because everyone makes fun of his haircut…

AStyleForYou (1)

…and Bora sabotaging Hara.

AStyleForYou (3)

Even if you don’t give a damn about fashion, you’ll be entertained.


You can watch the whole thing with English subs at the KBS World YouTube channel.

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