‘Attack On Titan‘ is getting a three-part television mini-series on the dTV video streaming service (Docomo/Avex) that shifts the attention of the series to Hange, played by Ishihara Satomi, has ass-kicking queen Takeda Rina, and adds a brand new character.
Fuck yes. Awesome. All you neckbeard, Cheetos eating, Mountain Dew drinking, anime/manga elitists, come at me, fuckers.
Actress Satomi Ishihara, who portrays Hanji in the live-action films, will be reprising her role. She’ll be joined by other Attack on Titan movie cast members Nanami Sakuraba, Shu Watanabe, Rina Takeda, and Ayame Misaki. With the exception of Sakuraba, who plays potato-loving Sasha, the other announced actors all play characters unique to the live-action movies, and the miniseries is set to add yet another original character, with actor Yuta Hiraoka playing someone named Izuru.
The show will also live in the same world as the two live-action films, so there’s continuity there and they’re doing it sort of like Marvel with the franchises and stuff.
Plot details are scarce, but between the absence of many of the more youthful series regulars, plus Ishihara’s comments that the miniseries will deal with Titan research and “the birth of the 3-D maneuver gear,” which the heroes make such prodigious use of in both the anime and manga, there seems to be at least a slight chance that the miniseries will be a sort of prequel. Ishihara also spoke of the challenges that came with the miniseries’ increased focus on the inner workings of its characters psyches.
That’s not to say there’s no visceral excitement being offered, though. At the event, Takeda revealed, “We were up until the middle of last night filming action scenes, and I’ve got bruises to show for it.” And fans won’t need to worry about the new miniseries looking worse than the Attack on Titan films, according to Hiraoka. “The sets are amazing. They’re exactly the same as the movies…You can really feel dTV’s resolve to maintain the sense of place from the films.”
“It’s turning out to be an exciting series,” concluded Ishihara, “so I hope you’ll all watch it.”
This basically can’t go wrong.
They get rid of Eren and Armin, who get annoying as fuck constantly, and focus on Hange and Ishihara Satomi (who is hot and funny), and especially Takeda Rina, who will beat the shit out of all your faves.
Now I know why that ball-kicking fetish exists. You cannot convince me this will end badly.